17 April 2024,
healing time torn meniscus

Associated with knee pain, swelling, instability and a popping sound/feeling in the joint at the time of injury, a meniscus tear can bring one’s normal daily routine to a halt. So, it’s only natural to wonder how long this injury takes to get better. In terms of healing time, torn meniscus recovery length can vary based on the severity of the injury and other factors, including the course of treatment one pursues. Read on for more information.

What Is the Healing Time for a Torn Meniscus?

Upon sustaining a meniscus tear, strain or any other knee injury, it’s crucial to make an appointment with an orthopedic professional as soon as possible to expedite your recovery. 

Specifically, you’ll want to see a board-certified orthopedic surgeon such as Dr. Stephen Soffer, who will be able to do all of the following:

– Pinpoint the location and severity of the injury through skillful evaluation and state-of-the-art diagnostic technology

– Create an effective, custom-tailored treatment plan based on your particular circumstances

– Prescribe nonoperative treatments such as rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE) therapy, anti-inflammatory and pain relief medications or a brace to support the injured knee 

– Perform meniscus repair surgery, which may be necessary to resolve a larger, more severe or treatment-resistant injury

Based on his expert, in-depth assessment of your knee injury, Dr. Soffer will inform you about what to anticipate in terms of your personal healing time, torn meniscus rehabilitation plan and any necessary modifications to your lifestyle. Generally speaking, most patients recover within about 1-3 months with appropriate treatment.

Schedule Your Appointment with Dr. Soffer

As a leading doctor recognized throughout Reading, PA and the rest of the nation, Dr. Soffer is dedicated to providing compassionate, top-tier orthopedic care. As part of his rigorous training, he completed a sports medicine fellowship with esteemed surgeon Dr. James Andrews. 

Dr. Soffer’s comprehensive treatment capabilities for knee injuries include conservative modalities as well as arthroscopic and open surgery. To receive personalized, skillful care for any orthopedic concern, reach out to our Wyomissing, PA office at 610-375-4949 and arrange a prompt appointment with Dr. Soffer.

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